Luveina Lodh’s Estranged Husband Refuses Relation With Mahesh Bhatt, Calls It A “Well-crafted Conspiracy For Settlement Money”

A few days back actress Luviena Lodh came forward to make a shocking revelation. She shared a video on her social media profile claiming to be harassed by Mahesh Bhatt and his family. In the video that the actress shared, she alleged that she is demanding a divorce from her husband Sumit Sabherwal, who is allegedly the nephew of Mahesh Bhatt. She even revealed that Sumit, who works for Vishesh Films, has been supplying drugs to different actresses in the past. Now, it is Sumit Sabherwal’s lawyer who has come forward to clear all the air around this allegation and make it pretty clear that his client Sumit is in no way related to the Bhatt brothers other than working for them.
Sumit Sabherwal’s lawyer statement reads, “We stand concerned for our client Mr Sumit Sabherwal. The claims and contents of the video being circulated by our client’s estranged wife Mrs Luveena Lodh are denied in toto. Our client expresses his deepest regret that the good name of Mr Mahesh Bhatt and Mr Mukesh Bhatt is being sullied solely due to his pending (since 2016) matrimonial dispute with his wife.”

In the statement, it has been further mentioned that Sumit Sabherwal is merely an employee at Mahesh Bhatt and Mukesh Bhatt’s production house and that the allegations made by Lodh against Bhatt brothers seem to be a conspiracy. The statement further read, “It is made amply clear that our client is merely an employee of M/s Vishesh Films Pvt Ltd and NOT related to either of the Bhatt Brothers, as falsely and maliciously been sought to be made out by the video in the question. Every attempt being made in order to formulate a relation between our client and the Bhatt brothers must be construed as a well-crafted conspiracy to precipitate and motivate a lucrative ‘settlement’ for her disputes with our client; as is amply made clear in her interviews as well. Out client has the highest regard for the judiciary of our country and reserves his actionable claims against Mrs Luveena Lodh for charges as and when he may institute against her.”