Junaid Khan, son of Bollywood superstar Aamir Khan, recently made his debut in the Netflix India film Maharaj. In a candid interview on NDTV Yuva, Junaid reflected on his experience so far and acknowledged the influence his father’s name had on his career. The actor revealed that he might not have landed the role in Maharaj had he not been Aamir Khan’s son.

During the conversation, Junaid shared his journey, including his audition for his father’s film Laal Singh Chaddha. “Sometimes you get roles, and sometimes you don’t. Before Maharaj, I had given several auditions, but they didn’t work out,” he said. He went on to confirm that he had auditioned for Laal Singh Chaddha, a fact that his father Aamir had previously mentioned. “When I did the screen test, my father liked it. However, the film was on a budget scale where casting a newcomer as the lead wasn’t feasible, so I didn’t get the opportunity.”

Junaid also admitted, “If I was not Aamir Khan’s son, I would probably not have gotten Maharaj.” His transparency was met with applause from the audience, acknowledging his willingness to confront the advantages of his background.

About Maharaj

Directed by Sidharth P Malhotra and produced by YRF Entertainment, Maharaj is a historical drama that delves into the 1862 Maharaj Libel Case. The film features Junaid Khan in the lead role alongside Jaideep Ahlawat, Shalini Pandey, and a special appearance by Sharvari. The movie is based on one of the most significant legal battles in Indian history, portraying the courtroom drama surrounding the Maharaj Libel Case.

The film faced legal hurdles ahead of its release. The Gujarat High Court temporarily stayed its release following a petition from members of the Vaishnavite Pustimargi sect, who raised concerns about the portrayal of religious beliefs. However, on June 21, the High Court lifted the stay, ruling that the film did not target the sect as claimed. Maharaj was subsequently released the same day on Netflix, marking Junaid Khan’s much-anticipated entry into the industry.