Ranu Mondal’s Viral Makeup Disaster Pics Are Fake, Make-up Artist Reveals The True Photos

Last week was a disaster for Ranu Mondal, the singing sensation who rose from rags to riches a month back. She was an internet sensation a few weeks back but she became a butt of all jokes and an inspiration for memers when her make-up pics went viral. No one spared her and she was the ridiculed for getting such a make-up done to lighten her natural skin tone.

Recently, Mondal was invited to an event where she was given a complete makeover. With bright make up and a fancy hairdo, she looks nothing like she did in the first video that surfaced of her. However, as it turns out, most of the photos that had been circulated of Mondal after the event had been fake. View this post on Instagram
Ranu mondal fhason #ranumondal #bollywood #tiktokindia
A post shared by afzal Sheikh786 (@afzal_sheikh_786) on Nov 16, 2019 at 11:49pm PST
The make-up artist behind the extreme makeover, too, faced the brunt of social media users who felt that the former should have taken Mondal’s age into consideration. Because, of course, beauty standards in India dictate that older women should only dress according to what the society deems fit for their age. However, the make-up artist in question has decided to come forth with the truth.
On their official Instagram page, Sandhya’s Makeover, the make-up artist shared the real photograph of Ranu Mondal, post her makeover. View this post on Instagram
A post shared by sandhyasmakeover (@sandhyasmakeover) on Nov 19, 2019 at 1:09am PST