“Mental Health Support ” initiative taken by Deepika Padukone to front line workers
Mental health plays a vital role in our life. Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone have taken a initiative to provide the mental assistance to all the frontline workers who are working day and night for us . They have played a integral role in our life. The ongoing pandemic situation have not only afftected them physically as they are working day and night without hardly taking any break for saving our lives but also affected mentally during this stressful pandemic situation.”Frontline workers are the backbone of our country as we weather this pandemic.”
The actor, who battled and overcame clinical depression many years ago, said that through the initiative Frontline assist, the sale proceeds from the ‘Deepika Padukone’ closet will go to NGO Sangath’s dedicated covid-19 well being centre. As she has lived that phase , experienced the mental illness, she understand the importance of emotional wellbeing , and as she wanted to contribute to mental health of the country’s frontline workers with “frontline assistance”.
The Deepika Padukone Closet , which the actor launched in 2019, allows fans to shop from her hand-picked pieces through her official site. “We are proud to direct proceeds from the Deepika Padukone Closet towards mental health support of our country’s real heroes through our partnership with Sangath,”the 35year old actor said.
The foundation of the Padukone LiveLoveLaugh(LLL) foundation will support Sangath’s covid-19 well being centre with sale proceeds from the current and future edits of TheDeepikaPadukoneCloset to drive sangath’s staff training efforts.
Mental health have become the problem of the modern world because of the work pressure and stressful environment so helping each other to come out of this is a very appreciating . Like Deepika Padukone , we should also contribute to the society .