Filmmaker and actor Anurag Kashyap’s latest project, “Maharaj,” featuring South Indian star Vijay Sethupathi, has taken the film industry by storm. Since its release on Netflix, the film has received widespread acclaim from both critics and audiences, quickly becoming one of the most talked-about movies of the year. Praised for its impeccable screenplay and thrilling storyline, “Maharaj” has captured the attention of a global audience.

In a recent interview with The Hindu, Kashyap shared his thoughts on the contrasting approaches of different film industries. He notably praised the Malayalam film industry for its willingness to take creative risks and criticised Bollywood for its reliance on star power over storytelling.

“In Malayalam cinema, they are not afraid to take risks, such as casting influencers in key roles, as seen in ‘Aavesham.’ In Bollywood, they would fill these roles with big stars, focusing on star power rather than telling a real story,” Kashyap remarked.

Kashyap’s admiration for South Indian cinema, particularly Malayalam movies, was evident as he continued, “I watch more Malayalam movies than Hindi these days because they excite me so much more. People here (in the Malayalam film industry) tell original stories that are unique to each individual. The filmmakers are catering to themselves rather than the market. A movie like ‘Bramayugam’ will never be made in black and white in any other industry. It shows that they’re making the films they truly want to make.”

On the acting front, Anurag Kashyap’s recent role in “Maharaj” follows his appearance in the Gulshan Devaiah-starrer series “Bad Cop.” He is currently working on a Tamil-language film titled “One 2 One,” which features Nitu Chandra and Sundar C in significant roles.

“Maharaj” continues to dominate discussions in the film world, illustrating Kashyap’s knack for creating compelling cinema that resonates with a diverse audience. As he continues to explore different facets of the film industry, both as a director and actor, Kashyap’s influence and innovative spirit remain undeniable.