When Shah Rukh Khan Squashed The Rumours About AbRam Being ‘The Love Child’ Of His Elder Son Aryan Khan

Being a celebrity anywhere in the world is not easy. A film star’s life is constantly under the scrutiny of the general public. Everybody loves to know what their favourite celebrity is wearing, where they are going, and who they are dating. Every event of a celebrity becomes news where it is good, bad, or ugly. If the current scenario is considered, Shah Rukh Khan’s son Aryan Khan has already landed in a soup after being arrested from a cruise ship in a drug case on 3rd October.

However, this is not the first time the star kid has made the headlines. A few years back, when Shah Rukh Khan along with his wife decided to have a third child there were lot of rumours that Abram is the love child of Aryan Khan, who then was 15- years-old. It was also said that Aryan Khan at that time was also dating a Romanian girl, which gave the wind to the fire.

According to Shah Rukh Khan, his family was very disturbed by the incident which he also addressed at the ted talk in Vacouver. Four years ago, my lovely wife Gauri (Khan) and me decided to have a third child. It was claimed on the net that he was the love child of our first child, who was 15-years-old. Apparently, he had sown his wild oats with a girl while driving her car in Romania. And yeah, there was a fake video to go with it. And we were so disturbed as a family. My son, who is 19 now, even now when you say ‘hello’ to him, he just turns around and says, ‘But bro, I didn’t even have a European driving license, “ he said.

Meanwhile, Shah Rukh Khan’s family is trying hard to get bail for Aryan Khan in the Cruise drug case. The bail application has already been rejected twice in the case.

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