Sunny Deol’s Fiery Reaction to Fan’s Selfie Struggle Goes Viral: ‘Le Na Photo’ – Watch the Video
Bollywood star Sunny Deol has made a triumphant return to the box office with the action-packed film ‘Gadar 2’. The movie, directed by Anil Sharma, has been creating a buzz since its release on August 11. Despite going head-to-head with ‘OMG 2’, ‘Gadar 2’ has managed to captivate audiences with its thrilling action scenes and nostalgic songs and dialogues. Fans are showering praise on the performances of the entire cast.”
In a recent viral video on social media, Sunny Deol found himself surrounded by enthusiastic fans at the airport. The video, shared on Instagram, sparked discussions as it showcased a moment where Sunny’s patience wore thin. While at the airport, the actor was approached by several fans, and amid the security’s efforts to maintain distance, one fan attempted to take a selfie. The fan’s struggle to capture the moment left the actor visibly irked, leading him to exclaim, ‘Le na photo!
Opinions among netizens were divided by the video. While some online users backed the actor and criticized the fan for encroaching on his privacy, others condemned the actor’s brusque reaction. Some even speculated this incident contributed to his ‘Bollywood downfall.'”
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“Turning to ‘Gadar 2’, this sequel follows the colossal success of ‘Gadar: Ek Prem Katha’ (2001). Set against the backdrop of the partition, the film narrates Tara Singh’s love story with Sakina, a Pakistani Muslim girl. Post-marriage and the birth of their child, Sakina is compelled to return to Pakistan, enforced by her father’s decision. In a daring move, the father-son duo embarks on a mission to rescue her from across the border. The sequel, released on August 11, 2023, hones in on the father-son bond between Sunny and Utkarsh Sharma, and is both directed and produced by Anil Sharma.”