Shah Rukh Khan’s Wife, Gauri Khan Hilariously Trolled By Netizens For Carrying A Bottle Of Black Water, “Sab Daaru Aur Coke Milake Pii Rahe Hai”
While living in a technologically advanced era, it has become easy for people to pass nasty comments on the lives of others. Our favorite celebrities are often trolled for anything and everything they do and even for their personal life decisions as it has become easy for the trollers to sit behind the keyboard and spread venom. And now it was Shah Rukh Khan’s wife Gauri Khan who was trolled mercilessly for carrying black water.
Recently, Gauri Khan was spotted by the paparazzi for carrying a bottle of black water. The star wife looked stunning in her camouflage jacket and denim jeans. However, it was her bottle of black water which took away all the attention. One user wrote, “How come they never showed their bottle with normal water, and since the time black water has come they carry their bottle in their hand n pose.” Another user passed a defamatory remark on Gauri, as the user wrote, “Sab daru + coke milake pi rahe hai Bhayani. Tu black water bolta reh issko.”
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