Bollywood actress Vaani Kapoor will soon be seen on the big screen with a Pakistani actor. This will be a love story film, whose name is not yet decided. Now since the actor is Pakistani, there is a possibility that the audience may create a ruckus or there may be disturbance in the shooting. But, the producers have also made arrangements for this. The film will be shot in London. But, who is the actor we are talking about?

Vaani Kapoor

The Pakistani actor who is going to pair up with Vaani is Fawad Khan. According to reports, the story of the film is based on two people who are cheated in love, and meet each other by chance. They help each other in bad times and during this time they fall in love with each other. It is being said that it will start in winter. There is no official information about the location yet, but it is being said that the shooting will be done in London.

Vaani Kapoor

This Hindi-language film of Fawad and Vaani will be directed by Aarti Bagri and this will be the first international collaboration for Eastwood Studios. The studio was founded by former Reliance and Phantom executives Vivek B Agarwal and Devang Dholakia. B Agarwal has previously produced films like Queen, Udta Punjab, and Super 30, as well as Netflix’s first series in India, ‘Sacred Games’.

Fawad Khan

Fawad Khan has also worked in Bollywood films before. Fawad made his debut in Hindi cinema with the film Khoobsurat with Sonam Kapoor in 2014 and he got a lot of love from the audience here. Fawad has been away from Hindi cinema since 2016. Now the news of his return to Bollywood is no less than good news for his Indian fans.

Actress Vaani Kapoor has worked in many Bollywood films. These include War and action-thriller Bell Bottom. Apart from this, Vaani has also acted in Chandigarh Kare Aashiqui. Vaani has also appeared on screen with Ranbir Kapoor in the film ‘Shamshera’.