Salman Khan Gets Trolled For His Vibrant Pink Pants, Netizen Says “Bhai Ko Bhi Barbie..”
Actor Arbaaz Khan celebrated his birthday with his family, and the pictures and videos went viral on social media. The actor’s celebration of his birth anniversary circulated online making it a night to remember! The party was graced by none other than everyone’s Bhaijaan Salman Khan, who also joined in the celebration.
Salman Khan Attends Arbaaz Khan’s Birthday Party
A video shared by the paparazzi shows Bollywood’s megastar attending his brother’s birthday party. In the clip, Salman could be seen sporting a casual look. He is wearing a black round-neck T-shirt along with a loose oversized T-shirt. But what caught everyone’s attention was his vibrant pink pants.
Salman Khan’s Pink Pants
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Salman Khan caught everyone’s attention with his interesting look as he was papped by the shutterbugs. Sporting a casual black t-shirt and light-weight jacket, he added a twist with Barbie-inspired printed pink pants. Netizens couldn’t help but relate his pink-pant look to Barbie. The actor also posed for the cameras before entering the venue. The birthday party was graced by Aayush Sharma, his wife Arpita, and Arbaaz Khan’s son Arhaan Khan.
Netizens Reaction
With all the Barbie fever taking over the Bollywood Industry netizens couldn’t help but take notice of Salman’s look. As soon as the video was out the trolling started getting more intense. A section of the audience also mentioned that Salman is supporting Barbie. “Bhai jaan ko bhi Barbie pasand ayi hai,” wrote one user. “The Barbie craze has reached Salman’s house,” wrote another internet user.
Meanwhile, on the work front, Salman Khan will be next seen in Tiger 3. The last release of the actor ‘Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan’ did not do well at the box office.