When will Coronavirus outbreak pandemic end as per astrology by scientific astrologer ridhi bahl
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Rahu is in Adra Nakshatra, this planet is also known for unknown fear. This is the state we are in. We are also making the negativity of Rahu though negative march. Now Jupiter has entered Capricorn, Mangal is also in Makar / Capricorn sign. Makar Rashi is ruled by Saturn whose basic characteristics are sorting our prev karmas, discipline. Here we need to be more responsible and disciplined and follow the ruled properly, through which we can stop the spread. Venus is in Taurus, this is a positive change. 14th April, Sun is exalting, which is also a positive change.
The period from 10th May to 15th May, Saturn is retrograding, 13th May Venus is retrograding, 14th May Jupiter is retrograding and will stay in Capricorn till 29 June. Jupiter is a planet of expansion, its movement of expansion was high hence situation exploded.
As per astrological prediction Coronavirus will see its end soon in India and across the globe. Things will start improving in the country after April 15. To be precise, around May 14 there will be many positive changes. It is recommended that one chants Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra, as that will help in a big way. “Such a dangerous situation has occurred because of planetary combination of dosham yogam, vasundhara yogam [that affects nations and nature] and kala sarpa yogam at the same time, which rarely happens.
Please let’s be responsible, take precautions and eradicate this epidemic from our Country sooner.