Bollywood actors Shah Rukh Khan and Kajol have been iconic on-screen partners for decades, known for their chemistry in numerous hits. Despite their close friendship, there have long been rumors about a supposed tension between Shah Rukh Khan and Kajol’s husband, actor Ajay Devgn. In an old interview with ABP, Kajol addressed these speculations, clarifying the relationship between the two actors.

Kajol, speaking in Hindi, emphasised that while Shah Rukh Khan and Ajay Devgn may not be close friends, they are certainly not enemies. “I want to clarify this. Just because they are not friends, just because Shah Rukh and Ajay Devgn haven’t been seen drinking together at parties, or in any pictures together, or at any public occasions, and haven’t met or shaken hands, doesn’t mean they are enemies,” Kajol explained.

She further shared a personal anecdote related to her decision to work on Dilwale with Shah Rukh Khan. Initially, Kajol was hesitant to take on the role due to the extensive outdoor shoots required, which conflicted with her responsibilities at home. However, Shah Rukh Khan reassured her by offering to adjust his own schedule to accommodate her. “I think that in itself shows that there is absolutely no truth to what you are saying,” Kajol added, dispelling any notions of a feud.

Shah Rukh Khan, who was present during the interview, also commented on his relationship with Ajay Devgn. He noted that both he and Ajay are somewhat unsocial and don’t often meet people. “However, whenever we do meet, it’s always with great courtesy and affection. So, it’s not the case that just because we have a film together, there is a feud,” Shah Rukh Khan remarked.

The rumors of tension between the two actors were fueled by their 2012 box office clash, when Ajay Devgn’s Son of Sardar and Shah Rukh Khan’s Jab Tak Hai Jaan were released on the same day. Ajay Devgn, who also produced Son of Sardar, had reportedly asked Yash Raj Films (YRF) to shift their release date, but the request was denied. Reflecting on the situation, Ajay Devgn explained, “Personally, I have never had a fight with SRK. Kajol maintains her equations, and I maintain mine. Professionally, my fight was with YRF as producers, not with Shah Rukh Khan himself.”

Despite the clash, both actors have maintained a professional and respectful relationship, putting to rest any lingering rumors of animosity.