Bollywood actor Tusshar Kapoor recently shared a throwback video from his European vacation on his Instagram feed, igniting a flurry of reactions from netizens. The video captures Kapoor enjoying a ride on the renowned Eurorail, which connects 33 European countries and allows seamless travel across several shipping lines. His son, Laksshya, also makes an appearance in the reel.

Kapoor’s caption, however, sparked the most buzz. “No matter what! Even the slick #eurorail doesn’t compare to the satisfaction of travelling in the gritty Mumbai local trains! East or west India is the best!” wrote Kapoor.

The internet didn’t take kindly to Kapoor’s comparison. Critics flooded the comment section, accusing him of glorifying the often overcrowded and stressful Mumbai local trains. One user commented, “Said no one. Please, we are not insects to travel the way we do in Mumbai trains. They are dehumanising, and it’s okay for you to say that. If you don’t take a train every day, just.” Another remarked, “Because you don’t have to travel by them, that’s why.” Others questioned Kapoor’s actual experience with Mumbai locals, with one writing, “When did you last take a local train in Bombay with a selfie?”

Earlier this year, Kapoor did share an experience commuting through Mumbai’s train system. To beat the traffic, he traveled in the first-class compartment and documented his journey on Instagram. “Agar Virar churchgate wali railway ki 1st class seat li hai toh ek selfie video toh banta hai! When there’s a will, there’s a way to beat the ghastly traffic back from shootlife on the outskirts of Mumbai. #naigaonvasai #hellishjamm,” Kapoor posted.

Despite the backlash, Kapoor remains busy with his upcoming projects. He is set to appear in “Welcome to the Jungle,” directed by Ahmed Khan, and “Kapkapiii,” directed by Sangeeth Sivan, both slated for release later this year.

The controversy highlights the stark differences in travel experiences and the sensitivities surrounding public transport in India, reminding celebrities to tread carefully when comparing local systems with international ones.