Corona Third wave have arrived but people still taking it “casually”
People are talking about the third wave of corona virus which have come in most of the part of India but people are taking it very lightly as if its a weather update . We should understand the seriousness of it and take precautions according to it. As Niti Aayog Member -health Dr VK Paul said that the world was witnessing third wave of covid .”We have to join hands to ensure that third wave doesn’t hit India,”he said.
Prime minister Modi have also said clearly that “We should focus on keeping third wave at bay, instead of discussing when it would come in India”.
The India’s top doctor’s body , the Indian Medical Association (IMA) have appealed to the central and state governments to not let the guard down on the covid front warning that a third wave was just around the corner. As we have just passed from the disastrous second wave so why we are not taking the third wave seriously . Cases have started increasing because people are taking it so lightly like the recent case we have seen of the hills station which shows how unaware people are and vacations are important for them even after the seeing worst scenario of second wave.
Tourist bonanza , pilgrimage travel , religious fervour are all needed but can wait for a few more months as opening up these rituals and enabling people without vaccination to go scot-free in these mass gatherings are potential spreaders for the covid third wave. So government should take stringent actions and should close all the public tourist spots and should open the necessary things in the country because it only invites the danger nothing else. And people should also be cautious about the virus and take proper precautions and get vaccinated . On the other hand government should also ensure the more and more people should get vaccinated.