After the slapping incident with actress and newly elected MP from Mandi Lok Sabha of Himachal Pradesh, Kangana Ranaut, many Bollywood stars have come out in her support. Last Thursday, a female constable was accused of slapping the actress at Chandigarh Airport. After this incident, Bollywood also seems to be divided into two parts. On one hand, some stars are calling this incident wrong, while some stars are taking the side of CISF soldier Kulwinder Kaur. Musician Vishal Dadlani came out in support of the CISF soldier and offered her a job after being fired from the job. Singer Sona Mohapatra has criticized musician Vishal Dadlani on this matter.

Sona Mohapatra

On Saturday, Sona Mohapatra gave her reaction on the x. In the post, the user called Vishal a “Ratna”, because popular singer and music director Vishal Dadlani offered a job to the CISF soldier who slapped Kangana. Sona did not like this and expressed her displeasure over it.

Sona Mohapatra’s Post

Sona Mohapatra criticized the terming of musician Vishal Dadlani as a Ratna and targeted him, writing, ‘In this, sitting next to a serial molester like Anu Malik with multiple accused in the judge’s seat and when colleagues like me ask him to stand up, speak up, and help push back this toxic culture of reality shows, he says paisa kama ke desh se niklna hai… I tell you this is a Ratna.’

Sona Mohapatra

A few hours after Kangana Ranaut was attacked, Vishal shared a video of the altercation between Kangana and Kaur on his Instagram handle and said that he does not support violence, but he understands the pain of that woman. According to reports, Vishal said that he does not support violence, but he understands the anger of the CISF personnel. He further said that if she loses her job and she wants, Vishal will arrange a job for her.