Actor Somy Ali, former girlfriend of Bollywood star Salman Khan, has levelled serious allegations against singer Sonu Nigam, accusing him of exploiting her talk show to settle a personal score. In a detailed video shared on Instagram, Somy refrained from naming the individual but later identified Sonu in the caption of her post. The accusations stem from an interview that took place two years ago on her talk show, during which Somy believed Sonu to be sincere. However, her opinion has since changed.

Somy expressed her disappointment in the video, saying, “A couple of years ago, I started a talk show and interviewed a few people. One of the individuals shared a lot of wisdom during the show. I was in awe of everything he was saying and believed he was genuine. But later, when I tried to reach out to him with an opportunity for a project in London, he completely ignored my texts and WhatsApp messages.”


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According to Somy, Sonu did not charge anything to be on the show. She added, “I thought he was eager to be on the show, and he didn’t charge us because we couldn’t afford to pay anyone. We were just starting, without any sponsors. It later dawned on me that he had a different agenda. His real motive was to send a message to someone from my past, to prove that he was on my show.”

Somy further revealed that she had tried reaching out to Sonu multiple times, but he ignored her. “I left voice notes in Hindi, Urdu, and English, yet he refused to communicate with me,” she said.

The actor described Sonu’s behaviour as that of a “chameleon” and a “sociopath.” She explained, “The person whom you respected and admired turns out to be someone entirely different. He used the show to make a point to someone I was affiliated with in Mumbai when I was younger.”

In her Instagram post, Somy expressed her shock, writing, “This is what people are like, and how they take advantage of you. I had the utmost respect for this person. Judge a book by its cover, at least this one! I was duped in unimaginable ways. The man who played me is Sonu Nigam. Be wary of people like him; they are sociopaths. Still, I love his songs.”

The allegations have sparked widespread discussion, although Sonu Nigam has yet to respond to the claims.