Bollywood actor Rajkummar Rao, currently basking in the success of Stree 2, has recently opened up about the story behind his name. The Amar Kaushik-directed horror-comedy, in which Rao’s performance has won over audiences and critics alike, continues to dominate the box office, with impressive figures that reflect the film’s popularity. Amidst this success, Rao shared an interesting revelation about why he chose to use the surname “Rao” instead of his actual surname, Yadav.


In a candid conversation on Shubhankar Mishra’s podcast, Rajkummar Rao addressed the speculation around his name, clarifying that his decision wasn’t influenced by Bollywood’s long-standing tradition of stars adopting new names for their careers. Actors like Dilip Kumar, Akshay Kumar, Mahima Chaudhary, and Kartik Aaryan are known to have changed their names upon entering the film industry. However, Rao’s choice to use “Rao” instead of “Yadav” stems from a different reason altogether.

The Reason Behind the Surname Change

During the podcast, Rajkummar Rao explained that he has never officially used his surname, Yadav. In fact, even his passport bears only the name “Rajkummar.” However, he decided to add “Rao” to his name to avoid confusion with other prominent personalities in the film industry who share the name Rajkumar, such as Rajkumar Santoshi, Rajkumar Hirani, and Rajkumar Gupta. “Rao is a title given to Yadavs, so I started using it by adding it to my name,” the actor revealed.

Rajkummar Rao Shines in Stree 2

Rao’s latest film, Stree 2, co-starring Shraddha Kapoor, has been a major box office success. The film has grossed ₹361 crores domestically and over ₹500 crores worldwide since its release on August 15. In just 10 days, the movie has shattered records, outperforming several other hit films.

As Rajkummar Rao continues to enjoy the accolades and success of Stree 2, his revelation adds an interesting layer to the actor’s journey in Bollywood, where names often play a significant role in shaping an artist’s identity.