Know some secret connection with metals in your life Jai Madaan
Know some secret connection with metals in your life.
#SecretConnection #MetalsLife #JaiMadaan
Know some secret connection with metals in your life.
#SecretConnection #MetalsLife #JaiMadaan
आजकल की भागती- दौड़ती जिंदगी में लोग अपनी प्राइवेट लाइफ को मनमुताबिक नहीं जी पाते हैं. ऐसे में उनके पास एंटरटेनमेंट के लिए फिल्म या इंटरनेट का ही एक सहारा होता है. जिसकी वजह...
जहां एक और दिल्ली एनसीआर में जहरीले प्रदूषण ने लोगों का जीना मुहाल किया हुआ है। वहीं दूसरी और दिल्ली से सटे ग्रेटर नोएडा में देश विदेश के जाने माने डॉक्टर्स पर्यावरण को...
Woman’s Era:- 5 Foods That Will Help You Lose Weight.
What should you be eating to prevent disease and keep fat from creeping on?
#UpYourPanache #blueberries #Almonds #worriedgirl #Cruciferousvegetables #broccoli #cabbage #Cinnamon #fiber #calcium #iron #Coriander #naturaldiuretic #Protein #WomansEra #Complexcarbohydrates #CalciumRichFoods #Foods #Antioxidant #Lowfatdairy #Fermentedfoods #Highfibreveggies #Pulses #Tofu #Paneer #Chicken #Fish #SweetPotatoes #Quinoa #BrownRice #Peas #Beans #DriedBeans #Eggs #LeanRedMeat #ColorfulVegetables #GreenLeafyvegetables #TropicalFruits
Shilpa Shetty Kundra and Raj Kundra make for one of the most beautiful couples of the B-town. They have been married for years now, yet they share the same amount of warmth and admiration....
Our home is the reflection of our mind. We all love to decorate our homes with paintings and other different forms of art. So in this video, Dr. Jai Madaan has talked about 4 such things which not only adds to the beauty of your home but will also bring Growth, Peace, Positivity, and Wisdom in your life.
#home #homedecor #vastu
Woman’s Era :- Hot Stone Massage Therapy
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Kalki Koechlin dropped a surprise bomb on everyone when she announced her pregnancy. She stated that she does not intend to marry boyfriend Guy Hershberg just because she is carry-on his baby. She believes...
Woman’s Era :- Hot Mocha Fudge Recipe | Sidecar, Greater Kailash (GK) 2.
#womansera #HotMochaFudge #HotMochaFudgeRecipe #chocolate #icecream #foodphotography #chocolatecake #chocolateicecream #chocolatelover #yum #sweettooth #chocolates #flora #chocolatesauce #AlmondBiscotti #chocolatedani #caramelsauce #hocolatesoil #crunchyoats #coffeeicecream
बिग बॉस 13 का गेम एक नया मोड़ ले चुका है. शो में 6 नए वाइल्ड कार्ड कंटेस्टेंट्स की एंट्री हो चुकी है. वाइल्ड कार्ड कंटेस्टेंट्स की एंट्री के बाद घर का माहौल पूरी...