Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s highly anticipated series Heeramandi: The Diamond Bazaar has finally been released, captivating audiences worldwide. The eight-episode series is a visual spectacle, featuring elaborate sets, a stellar cast, and Bhansali’s signature grandiose storytelling. As the series garners attention, one of its leading actresses has opened up about her past experiences and personal challenges in a candid interview with Filmfare.

Reflecting on her early career, the actress shared how she faced criticism in the 1990s for defying societal expectations. “During the time of Saudagar, there was a drink mixed with vodka, and I was told not to tell people that I was drinking vodka because actresses weren’t supposed to drink alcohol. I was told to say I was drinking coke,” she revealed.

She recounted how her mother responded when she mentioned this to her. “I told my mom, ‘I am drinking coke,’ and she knew I had put vodka in it. She said, ‘Listen, if you are drinking vodka, say you are drinking vodka. Don’t lie for such small things.’ That taught me to live my life honestly and on my own terms,” the actress said.

Despite facing criticism, the actress stood firm in her beliefs. “Back then, heroes could have multiple girlfriends and be called macho, but actresses were expected to be untouchable. It was often misunderstood and labeled me as ‘easy,’ but I took it in stride.”

In a separate interview with NDTV, the actress, Manisha Koirala, revealed the emotional toll of working on Heeramandi, especially given her past battle with cancer. “I know how intertwined body and mind are. Even now, I sometimes work while struggling with depression. Honestly, when I was doing Heeramandi, it consumed me. My mood swings were intense, and I kept telling myself, ‘Sail through this phase. Once it’s out, focus on your health,’” Koirala shared.

Heeramandi: The Diamond Bazaar has already started making waves globally, and Bhansali’s ambitious project is expected to leave a lasting impact, much like his previous works.