Several Bollywood stars, including Alia Bhatt, Parineeti Chopra, Vijay Varma, Ayushmann Khurrana, Malaika Arora, and Sonakshi Sinha, have voiced their shock and anger following the brutal rape and murder of a trainee doctor in Kolkata. The incident has sparked widespread condemnation and a renewed call for increased safety measures for women.

Instagram Post

Alia Bhatt took to Instagram to express her grief and frustration, stating, “Another brutal rape. Another day of realisation that women are not safe anywhere. Another horrific atrocity to remind us that it’s been over a decade since the Nirbhaya tragedy, but still nothing much has changed.” Bhatt also shared statistics from the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) 2022 report to highlight the ongoing crisis of violence against women in India.

In her post, Bhatt questioned how women are expected to feel safe while going about their daily lives with such heinous acts looming large. She emphasized the disproportionate burden women face in ensuring their own safety and criticized the lack of significant progress despite numerous crimes against women. “We could not save this young woman, but we can try to prevent it from happening again,” she urged, calling on authorities to prioritize women’s safety and create secure environments for them.

Bhatt’s powerful message concluded with a call for systemic change, stating, “These repeated inhuman acts towards women prove that there is something wrong at a root level, and unless we dig deep and uproot the cause, nothing is going to change. Don’t tell women to change their path—change the terrain. Every woman deserves better.”

Bollywood Join Forces To Urge For Justice

Parineeti Chopra also expressed her disgust by resharing a post about the crime, adding, “If it is too difficult for you to read, imagine what it was for her. Disgusting. Horrific. Hang him by his b***s.”

Similarly, Vijay Varma shared a video, imploring, “At least, protect our protectors.” Ayushmann Khurrana contributed a poignant note on women’s safety, lamenting the freedom denied to women compared to men.

These celebrities have been amplifying a post highlighting the unsafe conditions women face, particularly in workplaces, urging for justice and a broader conversation on women’s safety.