Our habit of delaying the important things in our personal and professional life leads to delay in growth. We usually focus on more easier, simple , less urgent work .It also restricts our potential to do best in life because we become some lazy which restricts our growth. Sometimes, all the opportunities are knocking at our doorstep but because of our attitude of delaying everything makes us miss them.If you can overcome this fierce enemy, you will be able to accomplish more and in doing so better utilize the potential that life has to offer. Willpower plays a key role in procrastination. The more stronger our willpower will the less we will procrastinate.
When we procrastinate we are wasting our time also which leads us to ignore the value of time.”Every single second you waste is gone forever”.It also shows the lack of self-discipline or self-control. Lack of motivation is also one of the root cause of procrastination .
Lazy people, simply don’t do anything and are just fine with it. Procrastinators on the other hand , have the desire to actually do something but can’t force themselves to start. People often confuses relaxation with procrastination as when we relax our energy changes and in procrastination drain it from you. As the opposite of procrastination is actually things done, and relaxing after working for long hours tends to make us happy for longer period of time. Procrastination only increases stress , anxiety, work pressure, work load on us which makes us feeling anxious.
We can stop procrastination by following few like first of all we should make a to-do list , in order to keep track of every important item and we will know their deadlines also.Don’t rush for anything just take baby steps and break hard task into small task so that you will not feel lazy. Whenever you feel like you are resisting the changes , not feel like doing then keep your mind in center and do your task.And start appreciating , pat yourself, give yourself rewards for completing the task .
procrastination is the root cause of many things in life so we should remove it from the roots.