Saif Ali Khan starts shooting for Vikram Vedha in Lucknow with Hrithik Roshan. Read on!!
Recently, Bollywood Actor Saif Ali Khan has reached Lucknow for the shoot of his upcoming action thriller film Vikram Vedha. The film which is the remake of the 2017 Tamil film titled the same has Saif Ali Khan essaying the role of a cop as Vikram. Hrithik Roshan also starred in Vikram Vedha with Saif Ali Khan. The actor Saif Ali Khan is currently in Lucknow and shooting for the Hindi remake of Vikram Vedha.The film, also starring Hrithik Roshan, will be released in 2022. The film is being helmed by Pushkar-Gayathri, he is the filmmaker who has also helmed the original film. The actor Saif Ali Khan has reached Lucknow city, he is putting in some serious efforts and hard work for his cop act.
According to the sources, “This week, Saif Ali Khan kicked off his schedule for Vikram Vedha in Lucknow. Playing the role of an encounter cop in the film, Saif has been hard at work with his tough shooting schedule!” Saif Ali Khan is busy with his shooting schedule in Lucknow. The actor has reportedly been doing his best during the tight shooting schedule. Saif will be essaying the role of a cop. A source revealed, “This week, Saif Ali Khan kicked off his schedule for Vikram Vedha in Lucknow. He is playing the role of an encounter cop in the film, Saif Ali Khan has been hard at work with his tough shooting schedule”
The film Vikram Vedha was a Tamil thriller starring R Madhavan and Vijay Sethupathi in 2017. The filmmaker Pushkar and Gayathri directed the original and directed the Hindi remake of Vikram Vedha as well.