Bollywood actor and Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) MP Kangana Ranaut faced significant criticism on Wednesday for her comments advocating the return of the repealed farm laws. Speaking at an event in Mandi, Ranaut urged the government to reconsider the controversial legislation, which was repealed in 2021 following widespread protests across the country.

In response to the backlash, Ranaut took to X (formerly Twitter) to clarify that her statements reflected her personal views and did not represent the official stance of the BJP. She wrote, “I also have to keep this in mind. I am not an artist. I am a worker of the Bharatiya Janata Party, and my opinions should be the party’s stand instead of being my own. So if I disappoint anyone with my words and my thinking, I will be sorry and I take my words back.”

During her speech in Mandi, Ranaut emphasised the role of farmers in India’s progress, noting that the protests against the farm laws were largely concentrated in a few states. “Farmers are a pillar of strength in India’s progress. Only in some states do they object to the farm laws. I appeal with folded hands that farm laws should be brought back in the interest of farmers,” she stated. Ranaut argued that reinstating the laws could lead to greater financial stability for farmers and foster growth in the agricultural sector.

Her comments have drawn sharp criticism from the opposition, particularly the Congress party, which suggested that Ranaut’s remarks indicate a possible attempt by the ruling party to reintroduce the controversial legislation. Congress leaders highlighted the timing of her statements, coinciding with the upcoming assembly elections in Haryana on October 5, a state that was a central hub for the farmer protests in 2021.

While navigating the political landscape, Ranaut is also in the spotlight for her upcoming film, Emergency. The film’s release is currently pending approval from the Central Board of Film Certification (CBFC), which is expected to make a final decision soon.

As the political climate intensifies, Ranaut’s remarks and their implications continue to resonate, raising questions about the BJP’s agricultural policies and the party’s approach to farmers’ issues.