Bollywood actress Ananya Panday recently became the subject of online scrutiny after appearing in filmmaker-choreographer Farah Khan’s YouTube vlog. The Call Me Bae star was featured alongside her father, actor Chunky Panday, where she attempted to navigate a kitchen setting with little success. The vlog, which showed Ananya struggling to switch on a gas burner, quickly became fodder for internet users, with a clip circulating widely on Reddit.

In the video, Farah Khan asks Ananya if she knows where the oil is, to which the actress humorously responds, “It must be where it should be.” However, when tasked with turning on the gas stove, Ananya seemed completely lost. She laughed and admitted, “I don’t know how to turn the gas on,” before asking Farah’s cook for assistance. After the cook demonstrated how to switch it on, Ananya’s shocked reaction of “Oh my God!” drew both amusement and criticism from viewers.

I’m speechless
byu/Hefty-Being-8522 inBollyBlindsNGossip

Farah Khan, known for her lighthearted humor, played along, sarcastically remarking, “Well done!” as Ananya finally managed the task. Despite the playful tone in the video, many social media users were quick to express their opinions on Ananya’s apparent lack of basic kitchen skills.

Backlash on Reddit

A clip of Ananya’s kitchen mishap made its way to Reddit, where users were quick to share their reactions. One user commented, “Chunky Pandey apni beti ko sambhal pehle (first take care of your daughter),” while another accused Ananya of faking her cluelessness for attention. “Tbh, I feel she’s lying to gain some meme points,” one user speculated, referencing her previous Instagram Stories showcasing meals she had prepared.

Others likened the incident to American model Kendall Jenner’s infamous cucumber-cutting moment on The Kardashians in 2022. “Yeah, she’s trying the same s*** Kendall Jenner did with her cucumber cutting,” a Redditor wrote.

Some users found the situation less amusing, criticizing Ananya for her lack of basic life skills. “This is not cute. If you’re an adult, learn some fundamental life skills like turning on the stove,” one comment read, while another stated, “Even if you’re uber privileged, these skills will come in handy.”

Ananya’s Latest Project

The kitchen incident comes amid the release of Ananya’s latest web series, Call Me Bae, which premiered on Prime Video on September 6. Directed by Collin D’Cunha and produced by Karan Johar, the series features Ananya in the lead role alongside Gurfateh Pirzada, Varun Sood, and Muskkaan Jaferi.