Bollywood actress Kangana Ranaut, who is directing, producing, and starring in her upcoming film Emergency, launched the much-anticipated trailer on Wednesday. During the event, Kangana engaged with the media and shared her thoughts on a variety of topics, including her aspirations to direct Bollywood’s biggest stars—Shah Rukh Khan, Aamir Khan, and Salman Khan.


When asked if she would like to direct a film featuring the three Khans, Kangana responded enthusiastically. “I would love to produce and direct a film with all three Khans. I would also love to showcase their talents in a way that highlights their acting skills, makes them look good, and contributes something significant to society,” she said, as reported by “Hindustan Times”. She added, “I think they are all very talented, and I would like to make a film that explores that artistic side.”


Kangana Ranaut also revealed her admiration for the Khans’ contributions to Bollywood. “What they are doing is, of course, adding a lot of revenue to the film industry, and we should be eternally grateful for that. They are engaging with a mass of people who need that kind of entertainment. But I believe there’s a very artistic side to all three of them that has not been fully explored, except in a few films. I would love to explore that with them and with many other actors,” she remarked.

Reflecting on her past experiences, Kangana expressed her regret at not having the opportunity to direct the late actor Irrfan Khan. “One actor that I always regret not being able to direct is Irrfan Khan saab; he is one of my favorite Khans, and I will always miss him,” she said.


Regarding her film Emergency, the trailer highlights pivotal moments in Indian history, such as the Emergency period, the Shimla Agreement, the rise of the Khalistan movement, and the JP Andolan. Kangana plays the role of former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, who imposed the Emergency in 1975. The film also features Anupam Kher, Shreyas Talpade, Milind Soman, Mahima Choudhry, and the late Satish Kaushik in significant roles.