Author: weera

Miss World 2017 Manushi Chhillar is on a serious mission post winning the crown

Miss World 2017 Manushi Chhillar is on a serious mission post winning the crown

Manushi Chhillar is touring across India for the ‘Beauty With Purpose’ project that is currently dealing with menstrual hygiene. For the first time ever 2 Miss Worlds – Miss World 2017 and Miss World 2016 along with 6 other Miss World Continental Winners came under one roof for the ‘Beauty With Purpose’ project.
The beautiful ladies joined hands with India’s highly acclaimed and globally awarded leader in menstrual hygiene, Aakar Innovations.

Video Credit: Ramesh Sharma

Akshay Kumar talks about the stereotypes Padman….

Akshay Kumar talks about the stereotypes Padman….

Akshay Kumar talks about the stereotypes Padman is going to break with its release during Press Conference in Delhi.
#Padman #Padmanchallenge #Menstrualhygeine #AkshayKumar #RadhikaApte #SonamKapoor #RBalki #TwinkleKhanna

Video Credit: Ramesh Sharma