Author: weera

Unique Tips About Your Spectacles (चश्मा) | Dr. Jai Madaan

Unique Tips About Your Spectacles (चश्मा) | Dr. Jai Madaan

We all know that specs helps us improve our vision but besides improving our vision specs can help you get more clarity in life. In this video Dr. Jai Madaan has shared some unique tips about specs which can give you great results in life.

#JaiMadaan #SpectaclesTips #ClarityOfThoughts #Womansera

BTS Woman’s Era Magazine

BTS Woman’s Era Magazine

Join the team of Woman’s Era, as they work to create a masterpiece of art for the upcoming issue of our magazine!
Meet our Gorgeous Models and Creative Team who get all the magic done behind the scenes!
Tune into the madness behind the screen!

How to Make Spiced Nut Carrot Cake | Carrot Cake Recipe | Christmas Special

How to Make Spiced Nut Carrot Cake | Carrot Cake Recipe | Christmas Special

This is our recipe for homemade carrot cake! This cake is so easy to make, perfectly moist, and full of flavor that it’s almost impossible to stop at one piece!!

Once you realize how easy it is to make a carrot cake from scratch, you’ll want to make it over and over again.

Track: MusicBoom NC – Christmas Music – Jingle Bells – [NCS ADDITIONAL]
Music provided by NoCopyrightAdditional.


How to Heal from a Love Break-up Easily | Dr. Jai Madaan

How to Heal from a Love Break-up Easily | Dr. Jai Madaan

Many of us face the problem of Break up in love relationships. So, in this video Dr. Jai Madaan has shared a very simple tip which would help you balance your Heart Chakra and heal from the break up easily.

#JaiMadaan #TipsforBrokenHeart #HealfromBreakup #HeartChakra

It’s Time For Some GUP SHUP! Ep 4| Woman’s Era Exclusive

It’s Time For Some GUP SHUP! Ep 4| Woman’s Era Exclusive

Your weekly dose of bollywood masala nad gossip is here! Join us as we take a look at the most happening things in Bollywood, this past week!
#Womansera #Bollywoodgossip #bollywoodnews #2point0 #akshaykumar #rajnikanth #ranveersing #deepveer
#deepikapadukone # deepveerwedding